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1991 – 1992:
1. Heating and ventilation installations of shopping center "Djuro Djakovic" Ciglane, Sarajevo
2. Heating and ventilation installations in showroom of "Magros", Marijin dvor, Sarajevo
3. Gas boiler room in administration building of "ZGP", Sarajevo
4. Heating installations in two buildings of Psychiatric Hospital, Sokolac
5. Heating and ventilation installations of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Sokolac
6. Reconstruction of gas boiler room in MIA school Vraca, Sarajevo
7. Heating installations in administration building "Vodoprivreda BH", Banja Luka
8. Heating installations in branch office of " Privredna banka Sarajevo", Pale
9. Heating installations of shopping center "Stup", Sarajevo
10. Gas and heating installations of several residential building in Ilidza and Sarajevo


1995 - 2000:
1.Government building of Republic of Srpska (now PSC East Sarajevo), Pale
2.Heating installations in the building of the Faculty of Economics Kalovita brda, Pale
3.Adaptation of heating installations in the building of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University East Sarajevo
4.Adaptation of heating installations in the military barracks "Bilecki borci", Bileca
5.Heating installations of the military complex of RS Army "Bisina" , Sekovici
6.Adaptation of heating installations of third command of RS Army, Bijeljina
7.Heating and ventilation installations of fifth command of RS Army ( now Basic Court ), Sokolac
8.Heating and ventilation installations of sports hall, Brcko
9.Adaptation of heating installations in Health Center, Rudo
10.Heating installations in Elementary school "Mokro", Mokro
11.Heating installations in Church of Holy Ascension Podgrab, Pale
12.Gas station and hotel "Terex", East Sarajevo
13.Heating and ventilation installations of shopping center in Dobrinja 4, East Sarajevo
14.Bakery and restaurant "Zlatna zita", Pale
15.Residential building for RS Army members, Sokolac


2001 – 2005:
1.Heating and ventilation installations of hotel "Damis", Pale
2.Heating installations in Church of Assumption of the Theotokos and parish house, Pale
3.Residence of the monastery Dobrun in Visegrad
4.Heating installations of the residential-business building "G-3", Pale
5.Heating installations of the Head office of insurance company "Jahorina", Pale
6.Heating installations of the Institute for the female children and youth, Visegrad
7.Heating and cooling installations of the "Vetfarm" warehouse, Visegrad
8.Adaptation of boiler room in High schools: "Ivo Andric", Visegrad; "Sokolac", Sokolac; "Petar Petrovic Njegos", Sekovici; "Pale", Pale; "Vuk Karadzic", Lopare
9.Adaptation of heating installations and boiler rooms in Elementary schools: "Vuk Karadzic", Visegrad; "Jovan Ducic", Sekovici; "Petar Petrovic Njegos", Srebrenica
10.Adaptation of boiler room in Town Hall, Visegrad
11.Heating installation in Health Center, Pale
12.Head office of Red Cross of RS, Pale
13.Heating and ventilation installations of the hotel "Termag", Jahorina
14.Residential – business building and branch office of "Razvojna banka" ( now "NLB" ), Pale
15.Heating installations in Correctional Institute's animal farm, Foca
16.Heating installations of the Church of St. Elijah the Prophet and parish house, Sokolac
17.Heating and ventilation installations of the mountain house "Zlatna zita", Jahorina
18.Heating and ventilation installations of the mountain house "Rajska vrata", Jahorina
19.Heating and ventilation installations of the kitchen and restaurant of student dorm "Nikola Tesla", Banja Luka
20.Boiler room of the Philosophy and Law faculty University of East Sarajevo, East Sarajevo
21.Adaptation of boiler room of the hotel "Bistrica", Jahorina
22.Heating installations of the residential buildings: "G-2", Zvornik, "G-5", Pale, "Marvel", East Sarajevo
23.Heating and ventilation installations of the warehouse "Bartula", Sokolac
24.Building and boiler room of the student dorm "Lukavica", East Sarajevo
25.Adaptation of heating and ventilation installations of the Culture Center, Srebrenica
26.Heating and ventilation installations of the residential-business building "Rol", Pale
27.Boiler room of the City hall, Health Center and Police station, Novo Gorazde
28.Adaptation of heating and boiler room of the hotel "Rajska dolina", Jahorina
29.Adaptation of heating and boiler room of the hotel "Kosuta", Jahorina
30.Adaptation of heating installations of the RS Army barracks "Kozara", Banja Luka


2006 – 2010:
1.Air conditioning of shopping center "Tus", area 16.000m2, East Sarajevo
2.Air conditioning of the hotel "San" with indoor swimming pool, area 6.000 m2, Laktasi
3.Air conditioning of shopping center "Bartula", area 9.200 m2, Pale
4.Adaptation of heating and ventilation installations of the shopping center "Bartula", area 8.500 m2, Foca
5.Air conditioning of the main hall in the building of the Central Bank of BH, Sarajevo
6.Air conditioning of the treasury in the building of the Central Bank of BH, Banja Luka
7.Partial air conditioning of ethno village "Stanisici", Bijeljina
8.Heating and ventilation installations of the Bus Station, Pale
9.Air conditioning of production hall "Kubik" Jakupovci, Banja Luka
10.Heating and ventilation installations of the sports hall, Visegrad
11.Heating and ventilation installations of the sports hall, Foca
12.Ventilation and partial air conditioning of the great amphitheater Faculty of Economics, Banja Luka
13.Air conditioning of the administration building "Marvel", East Sarajevo
14.Heating and ventilation installations of Business school, Sokolac
15.Heating and ventilation installations of the administrative building "Milkus", Pale
16.Residential building "Marvel", area 20.000 m2, East Sarajevo
17.Residential-business building "G-6", East Sarajevo
18.Air conditioning in wedding hall "Kometa", Pale
19.Adaptation of boiler room in General Hospital, Zvornik
20.Heating and ventilation instalations in art galery "Cekovic kuca", Pale
21.Heating installations of the Elementary school "Aleksa Santic", East Sarajevo
22.Adaptation of heating installations and boiler room of the student center "Koran" and "Kalovita brda", Pale
23.Heating installations of the Police stations, Laktasi and Kotor Varos
24.Air conditioning of the Assembly hall, Trebinje
25.Heating installations of the Church of Holy Panteleimon and parish house, Vucija Luka
26.Adaptation of boiler room in building of the Central Bank of BH, Sarajevo
27.Heating installations of Monastery complex Drazevina, Visegrad
28.Heating and ventilation installations of restaurant "Koliba" of the "Termag" hotel complex, Jahorina
29.Heating installations of residential building "SP3 – Kula 1", East Sarajevo
30.Heating installations of Monastery complex Vardiste, Visegrad


2011 – 2013:
1.Ventilation installations in wedding hall "Stanisic", Pale
2.Ventilation instalations of restaurant and kitchen of the Institute for Forensic Psychiatry, Sokolac
3.Air conditioning of the Faculty of Economic, University of East Sarajevo, Pale
4.Air conditioning of Casino "Astra klub", Sarajevo
5.Heating and ventilation installations of sales center "Delta Maxi", Gacko
6.Air conditioning of shopping center "Dar company", East Sarajevo
7.Air conditioning and preparation of DHW through the solar collectors in the production plant of confectionery products "Knez", East Sarajevo
8.Air conditioning of the Health Center "Sveti Luka", Bileca
9.Ventilation installations of bakery production plant "Klas", Pale
10.Adaptation of heating installations of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Pale
11.Heating installations of residential buildings "Boracka", Zvornik; "Skobalj", Pale, "V2", Istocno Sarajevo, "G-8", Pale
12.Underfloor heating in the Orthodox Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos, Sarajevo
13.Heating and ventilation installations of hotel "Terex", East Sarajevo
14.Air conditioning of sports arena "Peki", Pale
15.Air conditioning of the City Hall, Novi Grad
16.Ventilation and partial air-conditioning of „Bodaxco" bakery production plant, Bijeljina;
17.Heating installations of residential buildings "Mega projekt", East Sarajevo
18.Installation of pipelines of swimming pool „Akva park", Foca
19.Air conditioning of cinema hall, Bratunac
20.Air conditioning of building of City Municipality, Bileca
21.Heating and air conditioning installations of family pool house at Slatina, Banja Luka
22.Heating installations of the Culture Center, Bratunac
23.Gas boiler room of the Administrative Center of the City East Sarajevo
24.Ventilation installations of the garage in residential-business building "G-8", Pale
25.Ventilation installations of the "Swisslion" production plant, Trebinje
26.HVAC installations of the supermarket "Onogost", Mokro
27.HVAC installations of the branch office NLB Razvojna banka, Trebinje
28.HVAC installations of the Wedding hall "Afrodita", Trebinje
29.Ventilation installations of the cafe "Zlatna zita", Pale
30.HVAC installations in building of Film Archive of the Republic of Srpska, Pale
31.Adaptation of ventilations installations of the kitchen in hotel "Platani", Trebinje
32.Air conditioning of server room of the Institute for Standardization, East Sarajevo
33.HVAC installations in textile plant "Bilecanka", Bileca
34.HVAC installations of the winery "Vukoje", Trebinje
35.HVAC installations of the supermarket "Tus" Breka, Sarajevo
36.Design of air conditioning in the server room of head office NLB Razvojna banka, Banja Luka
37.Ventilation installations of Retirement Home, East Sarajevo
38.Servicing of HVAC installations in Gazprom neft gas station
39.Design of underfloor heating of Church of Holy Trinity, Gacko